Friday, October 30, 2009

Trading Terminals

I know I have searched up and down the internet for a good trading terminal. I wish that I could purchase one but that is still out of my spending budget for now.

I have found two trading terminals. One is called Lightspeed Trading and the other one is called Zecco.

Zecco is the trading terminal that I am currently using. It has its ups and downs. The problem that I am facing currently, and yes already, is it takes FOREVER for the money to be transferred into your trading account. Then on the other hand, I had accidentally created two trading accounts some how, but you can not delete one of them or the simple fact I have not figured it out.

Lightspeed Trading was the first trading terminal I was going to use but I tried to go with everyone else and use Zecco. One day I will learn even though I tell my self this all the time, I am just going to go with my first gut feeling. I am getting ready to open a lightspeed account. I will have to let you know how things are goin on there at a later date.

I will post my portfolios when they start building up. Right now there are only a couple of them in there.

If you come across some great stocks, by all means purchase them and then come back and let me know and the readers know.

Two stocks that are doing good for only being a couple of days old are:
AFN - Alesco Financial Inc - Last Price .80 with 2.55% change
AOXY - Advanced Oxygen Tech.   - Last Price .0067 with 0.00% (grn) change but changing.

Like I stated, I have purchased these stocks a couple of days ago and I highly recommend the AFN.
That stock has been climbing great.

Happy Halloween and be careful this weekend and I will post back on Monday!